Dedication to Romeo ’68


Here's to Rick Stoughton,  Bob Dixon,  Billy Miller and all the Romeo Men from '68

Here’s to Rick Stoughton, Bob Dixon, Billy Miller and all the Romeo Men from ’68

   By Molly Frizelle, The College of Charleston

When thinking of The Citadel there are many things that come to mind but two most frequent and prominent are my uncle and his class mates that I have grown to know and love deeply. I have been around The Citadel for the majority of my life and more so in my collegiate years; in these years I have gone to countless tailgates, football games, and many other events that came around. There are many phrases and sayings that I have heard among the Corps of Cadets and many of them are from years ago as one would imagine but one that sticks is an excerpt from a speech given by Ronald Reagan. 

       “You’re Citadel MEN, you have no pension for failure, you wear the Ring, you never let a friend down, you will be good fathers, husbands, and the armed forces, and industry, those around you will forever be attracted to the shining light in your lives, and you, will guide others in your path of success, you are strong at heart, body, and mind. You have deep interests in protecting such things as Honor, Fidelity, and all things unmaterial in nature. Your virtues matter not only in wealth, but in the richness of family, you are the last of the knights.”

 “You never let a friend down.” The Romeo boys of 1968 have been together for over 45 years; a bond that was made and solidified in barracks at The Citadel. Today when they get together at tailgates, reunions or just because, these men have schoolboy smiles that follow bellowing laughs; their laughter can take one back and see their polo shirts and slacks turn into dress blues. There is a reason why their friendships have lasted all these years and over thousands of miles- brotherhood. 

 “You will be good husbands and fathers.” My uncle graduated The Citadel, received his orders, and was married all in the same day- and after almost 45 years of marriage, he still holds my aunts hand when they walk across the street or sitting at dinner. A girl could only hope to find a relationship like that. The other Romeo men are also married to the lovely ladies that they courted at The Citadel and they are just as bonded as their husbands. Each couple have raised their children to be successful, loving, and most of all genuine people; one also has two very honorable and respectful sons who serve in our Armed Forces who also attended The Citadel. If the saying is true that a man is only as good as his friends- each one of these men are astounding. 

 “Your virtues matter not only in wealth, but in the richness of family.” The men I speak of are not millionaires, but they have made very comfortable and meaningful lives with loved ones and each other. I have had the privilege to live across the street from my uncle and aunt my whole life- through my parents along with my aunt and uncle I know the bond of family. Having a strong, loving, day-to-day bond with my uncle I believe has made me a better person. They say that a girl’s best friend is her father, I believe this whole heartedly but they leave off that uncles are a close second. 

 Oh they are the men from Romeo that are of the old breed- honor, duty, and respect are qualities they took from The Citadel and lived their lives by. “You are the last of the knights.” Knights do not ride horses and wear suits of armor; they walk tall with their chests out and their chins in- they wear The Band of Gold

 To my uncle, Rick Stoughton, Mr. Bob Dixon, and Mr. Billy Miller: 

Happy 45th Class Reunion Romeo ’68